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Nick Bare
Nick Bare Nick Bare
Nick Bare 25 Hours a Day

25 Hours a Day

Going One More To Get What You Want
In Twenty-Five Hours A Day, Nick Bare shares the lessons he learned while building his business past-7 figures in revenue as an Active Duty US Army Infantry Officer. Nick grew up in a small town located in central Pennsylvania and after applying the Go One More mindset, changed the trajectory of his life and mission. Learn how he started his business, transformed his mindset in the military and fought through the obstacles of bootstrapping a brand out of nothing.

*Also available on Audible audiobook and read by the author.
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about 25 hours a day

You have big dreams that fire you up, and yet a fear of failure is holding you back. You see the success others have achieved and doubt you could ever do what they’ve done. You tell yourself you lack the smarts, skills, or leadership capabilities to live out your dream, but the truth is, there’s a massive gap between what you think you can do and what you’re actually capable of doing. I’m here to help you close that gap.

In Twenty-Five Hours A Day, I share the lessons I learned while building my business as a member of the US Army. I grew that business to seven figures by flipping the switch and going all in—then breaking that switch so I could never go back. Now, I want to help you transform your life by embracing the suck, living like you’ve got an extra hour, and harnessing the power of the “Go One More” mindset. By applying these simple lessons, you’ll radically improve your chances of success.

what 25 hours a day can do for your life
  • Learn how to invite, embrace and survive tough challenges in your life
  • Turn yourself into a learning machine
  • Understand how entitlement is holding you back
  • Hear the story about how I turned my dreams into reality and how you can too

I started following Nick while he was stationed in South Korea with the 1st CAV DIVISION on YouTube.

I’ve since used all of his supplements (still do) and followed his story through physical challenges, entrepreneurial challenges, success and, even family challenges with the recent passing of his beautiful mother. I visited Nick and his family business in Austin and came away astonished on how he’s building THE American dream. He’s built a multi-million dollar business and written the blueprint for this business in this wonderful book. Every university and college career center and military out processing station should have this book on hand. This shows you how to create a business through online social interaction, hard work, honesty and taking care of customers. All of his products are just like this book. Sincere and always the best. I would recommend getting this book right away and start reading, You will not be able to put it down! Great job to the entire BPN and family and for all the hard work that Nick has put into this book and everything he does. I look forward to watching his business continue to grow and grow and I look forward to stopping by BPN in Austin Texas to visit him and the team again when I return from Germany. Go One More!”

Sincerely, Greg Cheek

Nick Bare 25 Hours a Day